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Dax att hjälpa till att få upp Fox-1

Nu är det dax att hjälpa till att få upp nya Fox-1 satelliten!  Se nedan info från AMSAT-NA.

Help AMSAT to Fly Fox-1: Solar Panel Campaign Begins

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 359.01
December 25, 2011
BID: $ANS-359.01

As AMSAT embarks on the Fox-1 Project, here is an opportunity to
literally put your callsign on the Fox hardware. AMSAT is looking
for major donations to help underwrite the cost of solar cells/
panels, one of the more significant expenses of the project. These
solar cells are needed for the flight unit as well as for the a
flight spare. As Fox-1 will have solar cells on all six sides of
the spacecraft and given the relatively small surface area avail-
able on each side (at most 4″ by 4″ per side), AMSAT will invest in
high efficiency solar cells to gain as much power as possible to
operate the spacecraft.

To protect the installed solar panels prior to launch, a lexan cover
for each side will be fabricated and mounted to protect the cells.
Prior to placement of the flight spacecraft into the ‘P-Pod’ that
will house the cubesats on the launch vehicle, the lexan covers will
be removed.

“Friends of Fox” are encouraged to consider several levels of fund-
ing support:

1. Donate $1,000 to support purchase of one panel that will cover
one side of the spacecraft.

2. Donate $6,500 to support the purchase of six sets of solar panels
to cover the entire spacecraft.

Donors who contribute at these levels will have their callsign etched
on the lexan cover protecting solar panels of the flight unit and the
flight spare. Following the launch of Fox-1, donors will receive the
lexan solar panel cover with their callsign for ‘their’ solar panel
mounted on a plaque commemorating their contribution to the Fox-1
project and highlighting the purpose of the lexan cover. A letter of
authenticity will be provided attesting to the use of the lexan cover
to help protect the solar panels.

Other potential donor levels are also available:

1. Donate $500 for one solar cell (two cells make up a ‘panel’ on
one side of the spacecraft).

2. Donate $250 for one-half of a solar cell (one-quarter of the
solar panel for one side of the spacecraft.

Donors contributing at these levels will receive a letter affirming
their contribution, including specifying which side of the spacecraft
‘their’ cells are located.

If you’re interested in supporting AMSAT’s need to purchase solar
cells, please return the Fox-1 fundraisingform sent to members. We
expect significant interest so make your donation NOW to take full
advantage of this donation opportunity.

Additional donation opportunities may be found at:

+ Call Martha at the AMSAT Office +1-888-FB AMSAT (1-888-322-6728)
+ Paypal donation widget on the main page at:
+ Paypal donation widget for Project Fox at:
+ You can also go to the Paypal site and send your donation to
+ The AMSAT Store:

All donations over $40 will receive a Fox pin. Donations of $120 or
more qualify you for AMSAT President’s Club

[ANS thanks AMSAT President Barry Baines, WD4ASW for the above


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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