Ham Satellite news

Nyheter om ARISSat-1

Här följer några samlade notiser angående ARISSat-1:

ANS-104 ANS Special Bulletin - ARISSat-1 Not Heard During Gagarin

SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-104.01
ARISSat-1 Not Heard During Gagarin Commemoration

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 104.01
April 14, 2011
BID: $ANS-104.01

The planned operation of ARISSat-1/RadioSkaf-V/KEDR on April
11 and April 12 from inside the International Space Station as part of the
commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight was not
successful. No earth stations on the ground reported hearing transmissions
on the ARISSat-1 downlink(145.950 MHz for FM analog/145.920 MHz for
The planned retransmission of the satellite's FM downlink via the Kenwood
TM-D700 transceiver --currently used for ARISS contacts--was also not
successful as no reports were
received of signals heard on 437.550 MHz.   However, a 
similar ARISSat-1 transmission test conducted in February was successful,
with 145.950 MHz signals being successfully received by several ground

At this point it isn't clear to the ARISSat-1 team what went wrong with the
most recent test.  Unfortunately, little information has been shared by
RSC-Energia concerning plans made to configure the satellite and the
interface used to connect the satellite to one of the external ARISS
The status of the satellite's Russian-provided silver zinc battery is also

ARISSat-1 is a cooperative effort of AMSAT, RSC-Energia and NASA.  AMSAT
designed and built the spacecraft as a prototype of a proposed series of
educational satellites which can carry student-built experiments.  The
ARISSat-1 prototype features a student experiment designed and built by
Kursk State Technical University in Russia.  A backup was also provided
(without solar panels). AMSAT delivered the two units to NASA's Johnson
Space Center in Houston, TX in early October.  NASA has led the integration
of ARISSat-1 into the ISS flight program.  NASA coordinated the logistics of
transporting the satellite and a backup unit, including export licensing,
from Houston to Moscow.  The shipment occurred in early December immediately
following RSC-Energia confirmation that the appropriate import documentation
had been approved.  NASA also conducted the three-phase Payload Safety
Review that ARISSat-1 had to pass in order to be permitted to be shipped to
the ISS and deployed from the Space Station.  Per protocol agreements signed
by AMSAT, NASA and RSC-Energia, RSC-Energia assumed full responsibility for
ARISSat-1 after NASA shipped the prime and backup units.  RSC-Energia's
stipulated responsibilities included integration of the Kursk experiment,
providing a silver zinc battery for the spacecraft, shipment of the primary
flight unit to the ISS via a Progress Cargo vehicle (which took place in
January 2011) and subsequent deployment during a planned Russian EVA in
February 2011.  

Once AMSAT shipped ARISSat-1 and the backup unit in early October, AMSAT was
no longer directly involved with management and operation of the satellite.
AMSAT agreed to send a representative to Moscow (Lou McFadin, W5DID) in
order to assist with testing and final checkout of the satellite once it
arrived from the US.  Lou was accompanied by NASA's Mark Steiner, K3MS and
the requests for visas and access the RSC-Energia facilities was coordinated
by NASA.  Due to visa limitations (Russia does not allow changes to visas
once individuals are in Russia), the window for Lou's and Mark's  time in
Moscow could not be changed once it became apparent that the shipment was
being held by Russian customs and wouldn't be released until after the
expiration of visas.
During the time that Lou and Mark were in Moscow, testing procedures were
drafted and agreed to by RSC-Energia's principal investigator for ARISSat-1
(Sergey Samburov, RV3DR) as a signed protocol to assist the Russian
engineers with testing and checkout without the presence of AMSAT.  Lou and
Mark departed Moscow on 22 DEC 10 for the US and the satellite with the
backup unit were subsequently released from Russian customs and delivered to
RSC-Energia on
28 DEC 10 following submission of appropriate documentation by RSC-Energia. 

In addition to the missed opportunity for AMSAT and NASA to participate in
the checkout in Moscow, the delayed release from Russian Customs also meant
that the satellite arrived in RSC-Energia just as they were commencing a
10-day total holiday shutdown from 1-10 JAN 11.  In order to make launch of
the Progress 41P cargo vehicle to the ISS in January, the satellite had to
be flown to the Baikonour Cosmodrome on
11 JAN 11, the day after RSC-Energia personnel returned from their holiday.
Sergey Samburov, RV3DR spent a period of time during the holiday period
conducting a checkout of the satellite, but it is still unclear whether the
documentation provided by Lou McFadin and Mark Steiner and agreed to as a
protocol was followed.  For example, AMSAT and NASA have yet to receive any
of the full set of closeout photographs of the satellite's exterior
stipulated in the protocol.  

The satellite did make the flight to Baikonour and was subsequently flown to
the ISS on 28 JAN 11 on Progress cargo vehicle 41P.  Once the satellite
arrived at the Space Station, there was another unexpected alteration to the
original plan which has been previously agreed to by AMSAT, NASA, and
RSC-Energia.  Russian officials now wanted confirmation that the satellite
was in working order prior to EVA deployment.
Why this decision was made was never fully explained to AMSAT or NASA. Even
though the satellite was never intended to be operated from inside the ISS,
the RSC-Energia team made plans to operate ARISSat-1 from inside the ISS
during the period
10-13 FEB 11, connecting the two-meter transmitter to one of the external
antenna used for ARISS contacts with the intent of getting confirmation from
ground stations that the satellite's transmissions could be received by
amateur radio stations on the ground.  This unexpected development raised
AMSAT and NASA concerns given the potential for damage to the spacecraft
inside the ISS and the possibility of misinterpretation of results.  Despite
these concerns, the test was successfully conducted on 10 FEB 11 for 20
hours with the Kenwood TM-D700 on the ISS used to verify normal transmission
from the satellite. Ground stations, including Tony Monteiro AA2TX, did
provide reception reports confirming successful operation of the satellite.

ARISSat-1 was scheduled to be deployed during Russian EVA-28, scheduled for
16 FEB 11, as one of the planned tasks on that EVA.  However, AMSAT and NASA
were informed on 11 FEB that RSC-Energia officials decided to remove the
satellite deployment from the Russian EVA-28 schedule of activities due to
complications with another task scheduled for that EVA.  AMSAT and NASA were
informed that the
ARISSat-1 deployment would be rescheduled and included as a task in the next
Russian EVA, currently scheduled for July 2011. Around the same time, the
RSC-Energia Principle Investigator mentioned the possibility of a "special
event involving ARISSat-1" around the date of the 50th anniversary of the
Gagarin flight commemoration on 12 APR 11.  AMSAT and NASA inferred that, by
retaining the satellite onboard the ISS until the next Russian EVA in July,
RSC-Energia could ensure that the satellite could be activated within the
ISS specifically for the Gagarin Commemoration.  

During the period from the testing on 10 FEB 11 to the planned time of
activation on 11 APR 11, the satellite was placed in storage on the ISS.
AMSAT and NASA  were not informed of the configuration the satellite was in
when it was stored, though it appears that the Lexan covers over the solar
panels had been removed and replaced by 'soft covers' 
that were meant to be used only in preparation for deployment.
We were not informed if the satellite was deactivated following the test, or
if the battery was disconnected to prevent drainage, or if the satellite may
have been inadvertently left on. Given that operation of the satellite from
within the ISS was never part of the original plan and these activities took
place without AMSAT and NASA involvement, the ARISSat-1 engineering team is
in the dark concerning the impact of storage on the satellite. As the
originally agreed-to plan was to deploy the satellite within only a few
weeks of arrival on the ISS, there were no provisions made in the satellite
design to prepare the satellite for long-term storage on the ISS.

Adding to the lack of information was that the primary RSC-Energia Principle
Investigator for ARISSat-1 went on vacation for the entire month of March
and there wasn't a designated backup to coordinate with AMSAT and NASA.  
Sergey, RV3DR returned from vacation on 1 APR 11, but was unavailable for
the regularly scheduled weekly conference call that was scheduled to take
place on 5 APR 11. This meant that AMSAT and NASA were not apprised of the
details for planned operation of ARISSat-1 for the Gagarin Commemoration
until late in the first week in April.  AMSAT sent out a press release to
the media on Friday, 8 APR 11, as well as a special ANS Bulletin containing
the information that had been provided to AMSAT through information gathered
by our counterparts at NASA who have access to a schedule of the planned
daily activities of the ISS crew.

The documentation for the configuration and operation on 11-12 APR was
developed by RSC-Energia without AMSAT or NASA input.
AMSAT and NASA were provided a draft plan only a couple of days prior to
operation; that document was in Russian and we could not comment on it prior
to planned activation.  One new development was the last-minute decision by
RSC-Energia to retransmit the ARISSat-1 two-meter FM downlink on 70 CM by
configuring the Kenwood TM-700 that is currently used for ARISS contacts in
cross-band repeat mode.  The ARISS team was asked for a recommendation on
which frequency would be appropriate to use, and the suggestion was made to
use 437.550 MHz.  However, procedures for configuration of the TM-D700 were
not shared with AMSAT or NASA.  There remains the distinct possibility that
the unsuccessful result of this test was due to a misconfiguration of
ARISSat-1, its interface to the ARISS external antenna, or the TM-D700.  

An additional consideration is that the Cosmonauts who were available for
the Gagarin Commemoration were not necessarily the same individuals involved
with the 'test' in early February due to a planned crew rotation that took
place in early April, where three individuals (two Russian, one American)
were flown to the ISS to supplement three individuals who were still

Neither AMSAT nor NASA received any status reports directly from RSC-Energia
during the timeframe of the planned operation. We also don't know what the
Cosmonauts found when they operated the three activation switches on the
control panel, such as whether the LEDS were lit or not.  The status of the
flight battery is currently unknown to AMSAT and NASA.
Hopefully, RSC-Energia will provide an update on the status of the satellite
to AMSAT and NASA and a determination can be made of the health of the

As noted above, ARISSat-1 is made possible through the cooperation of
RSC-Energia, NASA and AMSAT.  However, the degree of information received
from RSC-Energia has been very sporadic, given that ARISSat-1 is technically
a Russian satellite (callsign RS01S), and, per the signed protocol
agreements, RSC-Energia has assumed full responsibility for all activities
associated with ARISSat -1 from pre-launch preparation in Moscow through EVA
deployment from ISS.  Indeed, RSC-Energia has never publicly acknowledged
that AMSAT was the organization that built the satellite nor the significant
NASA involvement in the project. Clearly, what our expectations are
concerning 'transparency' of information does not coincide to what
RSC-Energia has been willing to share to date.

We will continue our efforts to gain insight from RSC-Energia concerning
what transpired regarding their planned Gagarin Commemoration event.  We're
anxious to know the status of the satellite as well as prospects for
deployment in July.  We are dependent upon the willingness of RSC-Energia to
keep AMSAT and NASA informed.  As we are apprised of developments, we will
share that information.  


Äldre nyheter nedan:

ANS-102 ANS Special Bulletin - Latest ARISSat-1 Activation News

In this special AMSAT News Service edition:
* ARISSat-1 Status Update April 11-12, 2011
* Mac Version of ARISSatTLM Software Now Available for Download

SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-102.01
ARISSat-1 Status Update April 11-12, 2011

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 102.01
April 12, 2011
BID: $ANS-102.01

The AMSAT News Service has received the latest information regarding
the planned activation of ARISSat-1 aboard the ISS which has been
awaited by the amateur radio community all day Monday.

ARISSat-1 Project Manager, Gould Smith, WA5SXM reported that aboard
the ISS, "Cosmonaut Dmitri performed hardware setup and test activa-
tion of the 'KEDR' microsatellite aboard the Russian segment of the
ISS by connecting the satellite to an Orlan battery and checking out 
its transmitter from the satellite control panel."

A status report received via NASA assures the amateur radio commun-
ity that, "KEDR (ARISSat-1) will be activated onboard the station on 
April 12 to celebrate Cosmonautics Day, when the world celebrates the 
anniversaries of the first human flight into space and the first 
Space Shuttle flight."

The crew aboard the ISS operates on UTC time and sleeps from 2130Z 
to 0600Z. The ARISSat-1 team is awaiting the next crew activity to
commence after 0600Z on April 12.

Depending on which press release information you find on-line the
names ARISSat-1, RadioSkaf-V, RadioSkaf-B, KEDR are all names for 
the same satellite. 

Once activated on April 12, the 145.950 MHz FM downlink will
transmit messages a continuous sequence, one of which is the 
Gagarin-to-ground station conversation, famous "Poyekhali" 
(Let's Go!) from Yuri Gagarin from Earth orbit. This downlink
frequency will also transmit spoken telemetry, SSTV images, and 
pre-recorded messages of goodwill.

ARISSat-1 also bears the name KEDR in honor of the call sign of Yuri 
Gagarin during his historic space flight. According to the Russian 
Space Agency, KEDR is the first phase in Russia's integrated program 
approved by UNESCO, with the goal to create and operate mini-satel-
lites with a mass less than 100 kg by the combined efforts of students 
across the world. 

KEDR (ARRIsat-1) currently contains a student experiment designed by 
the Russian Kursk State University. AMSAT has built three additional 
ARISSat-1 spaceframes which are available for future flights to con-
tinue with the goal of flying student space experiments. Each ARISSat 
spaceframe has the capability to support five experimental packages 
in addition to its amateur radio payload. The BPSK-1000 telemetry 
beacon on 145.920 MHz will provide a forward error corrected downlink 
capable of reliable reception of data in low signal level conditions.

[ANS thanks the ARISSat-1 team for the above information]


SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-102.02
Mac Version of ARISSatTLM Software Now Available for Download

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 102.02
April 12, 2011
BID: $ANS-102.02

The Mac version of the ARISSatTLM software is now available for
download from:

SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-098.01
ANS Special Bulletin ARISSat-1 Activation Aboard ISS Begins April 11

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 098.01
April 8, 2011
BID: $ANS-098.01

SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND (AMSAT News Service) While awaiting 
deployment from the International Space Station (ISS) in late 
July, an amateur radio satellite specifically designed to in-
terest students in scientific and technological careers will 
be activated and begin transmissions from the ISS in mid-April 
of this year. 

Transmissions are scheduled to begin Monday around  14:30 UTC 
April 11 and ending Wednesday around 10:30 UTC on April 13. 
Electronic certificates of the event will be available to those 
summitting reception reports to:

These transmissions will commemorate 50 years since the flight 
of Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin as the first human to enter 
outer space. The satellite (called ARISSat-1, RadioSkaf-V) will 
send telemetry, SSTV images, and messages of goodwill as it 
orbits earth inside the ISS. 

ARISSat-1 is a cooperative effort between AMSAT, ARISS (Amateur 
Radio on the International Space Station,) RSC-Energia (The Russian 
Space Agency) and NASA. The design, development and construction 
of the satellite was done by AMSAT volunteers. Original plans call-
ed for the satellite to be housed inside an old Russian spacesuit. 
But when the suit became unavailable, a spaceframe was developed 
to house the radio equipment and solar panels. The new satellite 
was named ARISSat-1. Other names for the spacecraft are RadioSkaf-V 
and Kedr. The transmitted callsign will be RS01S.

In order to operate inside the ISS, ARISSat-1 will be connected to 
an external amateur radio antenna already mounted on the outer sur-
face of the space station. The craft will use its own battery for 
operation, therefore it will be in low power mode. As a result, 
listeners can expect 40-60 second "ON" periods followed by two-minute 
"OFF" periods to save battery power. 

To listen for ARISSat-1 voice signals during this special event, FM 
receivers should be tuned to 145.950 MHz.  Specific only to this event, 
planning is currently underway to provide an additional FM broadcast 
downlink at 437.550 MHz. Even though the satellite will only have an 
output of 250 mW on 2 meters, a standard FM handy talkie equipped with 
a quarter-wave whip antenna should be able to receive the voice ID, 
voice telemetry and greeting messages as the craft passes overhead. 
SSTV transmissions may also be demodulated and viewed using a free 
downloadable program such as MMSSTV that is available at: 
For Mac users, Multiscan2 is available at:

Those planning to monitor voice broadcasts from ARISSat-1 are request-
ed to make note of the telemetry battery voltage values and UTC time, 
and then submit their records to Digital tele-
metry will be sent at 145.920 MHz. Given the low duty cycle of the 
spacecraft, those planning to receive the digital telemetry are en-
couraged to record the entire signal band using the FunCube dongle 
or SDR-IQ receivers.

Software for demodulating the BPSK-1000 telemetry is available at:
A software user guide will be available soon.

This special period of operation is only expected to continue during 
the two-day 50 year commemoration of Gagarin's famous mission.   

The actual deployment of ARISSat-1, first announced for February 2011, 
is now expected to take place during an EVA scheduled for late July, 
2011. After it is deployed from the International Space Station, 
ARISSat-1 is expected to be in orbit for a period of up to six months.

More information on the transmission schedule and overall mission of 
ARISSat-1 can be found at:

ARISSat-1 Web site: 

AMSAT Web site: 

ARISS  Web site: 

ARISS Facebook Page:	Amateur Radio on the ISS (ARISS)
ARISS Twitter site:	@ARISS_status

The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) is a non-profit, 
volunteer organization which designs, builds and operates experi-
mental amateur radio satellites and promotes space education. We 
work in partnership with government, industry, educational instit-
utions and fellow amateur radio societies. We encourage technical 
and scientific innovation, and promote the training and development 
of skilled satellite and ground system designers and operators. Our 
vision is to deploy satellite systems with the goal of providing 
wide area and continuous coverage for amateur radio operators world-
wide. AMSAT is also an active participant in human space missions 
and supports satellites developed in cooperation with the educational 
community and other amateur satellite groups.

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a volun-
teer program which inspires students, worldwide, to pursue careers 
in science, technology, engineering and math through amateur radio 
communications opportunities with the International Space Station 
on-orbit crew. Students learn about life on board the ISS and explore 
Earth from space through science and math activities. ARISS provides 
opportunities for the school community (students, teachers, families 
and local residents) to become more aware of the substantial benefits 
of human space flight and the exploration and discovery that occur on 
space flight journeys along with learning about technology and amateur 

[ANS thanks the ARISSat-1 Team for the above information]


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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