Ham Satellite news

COMPASS Cubesat igång igen

Från ANS fick vi följande information om COMPASS:

Mike, DK3WN said this week that a worldwide amateur radio effort saved the COMPASS cubesat.  Mike reports receiving reports of good COMPASS beacons from Japan. The COMPASS cubesat has not reset over several eclipse periods and remains operational.

The problem that depleted the batteries aboard COMPASS had its heater remain on constantly.  Amateur radio stations around the world successfully transmitted the command to turn off the heater and allowed the batteries to recover.

After the heater was turned off Mike wrote, “The only thing we can do is WAIT. Wait for longer sun periods and voltages over 3.47 Volts.
That’s the standard threshold value in emergency mode to switch into powersafe mode. Only in this mode we can change the threshold values.
As of September 8, COMPASS was back in its powersafe mode of oper- ation.

As of September 10 COMPASS was back in NORMAL mode. Mike had gained control of the satellite and could successfully command the satellite.

Mike summarized, “Thanks to all – this is truly a worldwide ham radio effort – thanks so much for your help. Also, PLEASE do NOT send any commands to COMPASS until further notice. If you send any commands you overwrite the current settings and COMPASS may fall back into emergency mode. We almost lost a cubesat, but we’ve definitely gained some new friends. Thank you all for your efforts!”

Meanwhile please listen to the beacon and keep your fingers crossed that COMPASS will remain in its normal mode.

[ANS thanks Mike, DK3WN, for the above information]



Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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