Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-UK video presentationer

Nu finns möjlighet att se videopresentationer från den sammankomst som hölls hos AMSAT-UK under sommaren.

Det här kan vara lämplig höstunderhållning kommande mörka kvällar.

AMSAT-UK Video’s on BATC Site

Videos of the presentations given at this years AMSAT-UK Colloquium are now available on the BATC video site.

To access the videos go to and click on the ‘Archive’ button on the left.

Select which AMSAT-UK lecture you wish to watch then click the ‘Play’ (>) icon.

Click on the icon between the ‘Progress’ bar and the ‘Volume’ bar to get full screen viewing.

Lectures 4 and 5 are about the MoonLITE project which will be the first Lunar mission by the United Kingdom.

Lectures 6, 7 and 8 are about the Delfi-C3 satellite

Lecture 9 is the P3-E satellite presentation given by AMSAT-DL President Peter Guelzow DB2OS, see also “Get into Orbit with AMSAT-DL’s P3E-Satellite” at

Lecture 10 will be the Amateur Radio Mars Orbiter P5-A given by Achim Vollhardt DH2VA, see also “GO-Mars with AMSAT-DL’s P5A Mission” at

Lecture 11 will be the Delfi-n3Xt next generation satellite presentation

The full lecture programme can be seen at

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