Ham Satellite news

ANDE (NO-61)

ANDE kommer att återinträda inom ca 4 veckor och nu anordnas en liten aktivitet runt detta.


ANDE (NO-61) will de-orbit somewhere in the next 4 weeks.
We do not know exactly, but that’s the challenge and the fun !

For these last weeks a special event is launched, and everyone
is invited to participate !

A special ANDE de-Orbit AWARD can be obtained by everyone that makes
QSOs via ANDE or receives telemetry during its final 10 days in space.
On the AWARD your callsign and achievements will be mentioned:

1 point for each 2 way APRS QSO over ANDE in its last 10 days of life.
00:01:31:24 : KB1GVR]APU25N,ANDE-1*,qAO,K8YSE-6::KC2PCR :GA Doug
00:01:31:42 : KC2PCR]APRS,ANDE-1*,qAO,KB2CEV::KB1GVR :G’Afternoon Mark 😉

ANDE Telemetry Reception:
10 points for telemetry packets on the last day
 9 points for telemetry packets on the last day -1
 1 point  for telemetry packets on the last day -9

In total 55 Telemetry points can be achieved, all to be scored in the last 10 days

Bob, WB4APR, will set the official date/time of de-orbit. The 10 days before that
date then count for the calculation of your achievements….
… but you do not know before that when those days will be 🙂

To obtain the award participates should, within 2 weeks after ANDE de-orbits,
email his/her own score + proof (the packets).

Further details like (shipping) costs and the submission email address will
be announced in the coming days.

Have fun – and keep ANDE busy in its final exciting days in space !

Bob,  WB4APR
Mike, DK3WN
Henk, PA3GUO

For questions on the award please contact PA3GUO (pa3guo @
For current status of ANDE:

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