Ham Satellite news

Anousheh Ansari aktiv med amatörradio

Media har uppmärksammat Anousheh Ansari som den första kvinnliga "rymdturisten". Nu har hon även kört amatörradio på 145.800 MHz!

Läs mer nedan:

First Female Private Space Explorer & Space Ambassador Active on 145.800 MHz

In 1984 Anousheh Ansari arrived in the United States from Iran at the age of
16, only knowing a few words of English. She rapidly progressed to became a
successful entrepreneur and is currently co-founder and chair of Prodea Systems

She has always dreamed of traveling to space and now has achieved that goal. On
Sept. 18, she blasted off for an eight-day expedition aboard the International
Space Station. While in space, she is conducting tests of Prodea Systems
digital home technology. She has also been active on the ISS Amateur Radio
station RS0ISS having a contact with students at George Washington University
in Washington D.C and calling CQ on 145.800 MHz.

Video of George Washington University contact

Wav File of Anousheh calling CQ on 145.800 MHz

Anousheh Ansari website:

Anousheh Ansari Space Blog



Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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