Ham Satellite news

AO-51 modeschema

Drew, KO4MA, reports:

We’ve been able to include some L band modes in the AO-51 schedule this month. From the 13th to the 17th we’ll have L/U digital on the 435.150 transmitter, along with the regular FM repeater on 435.300. From the 17th to the 24th, we’ll have a L/U repeater on the 435.150 downlink. On the 24th it’s back to the normal V/U digital and voice configuration.

The 435.300 V/U repeater will remain operational all month, and whenever a digital mode is on, the digipeater will be enabled. Please continue to report digi experiences via the ao51-modes email. If anyone sets up a gateway, please let us know that too.

Here’s the updated schedule from the webpage:

July 1 to July 13

FM Repeater

Downlink 435.300 mHz FM

Uplink 145.920 mHz FM with 67 hz Tone

Digital / PBBS

Downlink 435.150 mHz FM 9k6 Digital

Uplink 145.860 mHz FM 9k6 Digital

PBBS Active

Telemetry Downlink and Digipeater Active (No Unattended Digipeater Ops


July 13 to July 17

FM Repeater

Downlink 435.300 mHz FM

Uplink 145.920 mHz FM with 67 hz Tone

Digital / PBBS

Downlink: 435.150 mhz FM, 9k6 PBP Digital Uplink: 1268.700 mhz FM, 9k6 PBP Digital PBBS Active Telemetry Downlink and Digipeater Active (No Unattended Digipeater Ops


July 17 to July 24

FM Repeater

Downlink 435.300 mHz FM

Uplink 145.920 mHz FM with 67 hz Tone

FM Repeater

Downlink 435.150 mHz FM

Uplink 1268.700 mHz FM

July 24 to July 31

FM Repeater

Downlink 435.300 mHz FM

Uplink 145.920 mHz FM with 67 hz Tone

Digital / PBBS

Downlink 435.150 mHz FM 9k6 Digital

Uplink 145.860 mHz FM 9k6 Digital

PBBS Active

Telemetry Downlink and Digipeater Active (No Unattended Digipeater Ops



Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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