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AMSAT-UK Colloquium attracts ESA support

AMSAT-UK’s 2006 Colloquium, which is to be held from 28-30th July at the University of Surrey, Guildford, has attracted the support of the European Space Agency (ESA). The ESA Education Office have confirmed that they will
support the Colloquium by sponsoring the travel and accommodation costs for up to five university students so that they can attend and present at the

This opportunity is open to any University student presently studying in one of the ESA member states or one of the ESA cooperating states. Students who are interested in applying for this sponsorship should urgently contact giving their details and information about their proposed paper.

Additionally ESA have approved the attendance of  Neil Melville – the SSETI Express project co-ordinator. Neil will be giving a full report on the SSETI Express experience and the "Knowledgebase" that has been created as a result.

He will also be discussing the establishment of an internet linked World-wide network of University and radio amateur groundstations to help support future launches of satellites in the amateur satellite service.

AMSAT-UK is very pleased to receive this support from ESA as this will further assist towards promoting the synergistic relationships that already exist between the two groups of space enthusiasts.

Full details of the 2006 Colloquium and the online booking form can be found on the link

73  Graham G3VZV

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