Ham Satellite news

ARISS-antenner på Columbus

As announced in the ARISS-Europe News Bulletin of 2nd May 2006, the cables for the ARISS antennas for the 23cm and 13cm Amateur bands are presently being installed on the hull of Columbus.

ARISS team member Oliver Amend, DG6BCE took photos of the work in progress, see
Volume 1, Number 3 of the Radio Astronomy Group Circular is now available for download. Of particular interest to Radio Amateurs will be the work the group are doing at 2.695 GHz. The equipment they’ve been developing has applicability to 2.4 GHz satellite reception.

The 48 page publication contains plenty of other radio related info from VLF to VHF and is well worth a read, see

73 Trevor M5AKA


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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