Ham Satellite news

AO-51 QRP FM-repeater

Lite information om QRP FM-repeater på AO-51:

This year, AO-51 will be setup in dual FM repeater mode, allowing for two usable FM repeaters from the satellite.  The FM repeater utilizing the transmitter on 435.300 will be open to all users.  The FM repeater utilizing the transmitter on 435.150 (normally reserved for BBS
operations) will be reserved during Field Day for QRP stations only, as has been the common practice when this mode runs on AO-51.  Please note the information on the mode configurations and QRP requirements.

FM Repeater #1 for all Users:
Downlink:  435.300 mhz FM
Uplink:    145.920 mhz FM

FM Repeater #2 for QRP Users ONLY:
Downlink:  435.150 mhz FM
Uplink:    145.880 mhz FM

To attempt to keep this simple, a low power station will be defined as a station which can deliver no more than 10 watts to a vertical or handheld antenna.  These are some examples of Low Power Stations:

* Using an HT (barefoot, no amplifier) with 10 watts or less output into any type of vertical whip antenna (rubber duck, etc) or handheld beam antenna (arrow type).
* Using a mobile station with 10 watts or less output into car mounted mobile whip antenna(s).
* Using a base station at 10 watts output into a vertical omni-directional antenna on the side of the house.

Examples that are NOT Low Power Stations:

* Any type of high gain beam antenna, KLM, M2, Cushcraft, etc.
* Any station transmitting over 10 watts into any type of antenna.


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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