Ham Satellite news



To all my AMSAT Friends. . .

While Satellite users were snug in their bed,
I couldn t get OSCAR 40 out of my head.(?)

Up on my roof is such an array
As to scare all the neighbor s in everyway.

I knew of the storm coming tonight But could do little to keep my dish upright.

I heard the loud crash that meant a bent pipe And I knew at once I put up the wrong type.

The storm was subsiding with stars showing bright.So I started to slumber dreading my roof sight.

All of a sudden I heard hoofs and a sawzall,
Like a small factory at the Dayton mall.

I went to my attic to see what was done
But I was slow to open the skylight some,

And I saw a red sleigh fly by with satellite gear So I knew at once it must be HamSanta right there.

My mast was replaced as the stainless shined bright And I heard the jolly one shout in the night.

May all your satellites be in view And contacts be 59 and new.To all a healthy and happy New Year With many new birds for the entire world to hear!

Happy Holidays!
Dee, NB2F

Klla: amsat

Ham Satellite news

144mhz EME newsletter December

Hr kommer Decemberutgvan av nyhetsbrevet

Klla: Bernd DF2ZC

Ham Satellite news

EME i väntan på nästa DX satellit

Fr dom som ngon gng funderat p att kra ett EME qso utan att egentligen ha mjlighet till det s r det nu mjligt.

Kanske inte p CW men med hjlp av FSK och datorns ljudkort s kan nstan vilken normal tropo station som helst kra RN6BN. Sjlv s har jag ftt lite signaler p min 5/8 GP p taket men inte tillrckligt fr att avkoda, dock s har flera stationer hrt honom p ett big Wheel eller liknande.

Dags att stta upp en liten yagi i trdgrden och ladda ner WSJT programmet via tex DK5YA:s hemsida och brja lyssna mot Mnen.

73 Hkan SM7WSJ .

Klla: www

Ham Satellite news

Nya satellitprojekt

New SuitSat Project !!

Hello All,I wish to call your attention to an exciting new project and would also like to ask for your help in locating an urgently needed piece of electronic equipment.

A small group of us involving the AMSAT, ARISS and NASA Organizations are underway with a new Amateur Radio Project named SuitSat. It is an idea that was originated by Sergej Samburov, RV3DR, Russian ARISS Member and also Chief of the Cosmonaut Amateur Radio Dept in Korolev, Russia.

There is an obsolete Orlon Russian Space Suit aboard the International Space Station (ISS). This suit was slated to be discarded into space.Sergej suggested that the suit be equipped with electronics for a functional data satellite
which would include a Slow Scan TV System (SSTV) This space suit will be launched into orbit during a space walk by the ISS Crew.

This project has a very short completion schedule. Several of us are presently underway putting together a prototype SSTV System for the SuitSat.

The prototype is scheduled for completion in January, 2005. Testing and final approval is scheduled for April, 2005 with a tentative launch in August, 2005.

For the SSTV system we are planning to use a stand alone hardware package, the TASCO TSC-70 scanner. A camera in the helmet will feed video to the TSC-70 and it will be programmed to activate a transmitter also inside the space suit.

It is hoped to get pictures of the ISS as this satellite departs. As the satellite drifts from the ISS, Earth pictures from approximately 230 miles altitude will be transmitted to anyone of us around the world who have any
of the many available, conventional analog SSTV receiving programs.

In order to complete the above project an urgent request is hereby made for a donation or offer to sell the TASCO TSC-70. A minimum of 5 TASCO units are needed. One unit has thus far been donated. Actually 6 total units are desired for testing, safety approval, spares, etc.

I would be most pleased to hear from anyone who has a TASCO TSC-70 to donate or offer for sale. Thanks very much for your consideration to be a part of this project.

Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
6686 Hitching Post Lane
Cincinnati, Ohio 45230

Klla: amsat

Ham Satellite news

P3E update

Ny info p Amsat DL angende nsta DX satellit


Klla: amsat

Members news

Nytt webbhotell för AMSAT-SM

Nu har vi bytt webbhotell-leverantr och anvnder numera ett bolag som heter Surftown. Det ska inte vara ngon skillnad p hemsidorna men om ni hittar ett fel ngonstans r det bara att skicka ett e-mail.

Klla: SM0TGU Lars