Ham Satellite news



To all my AMSAT Friends. . .

While Satellite users were snug in their bed,
I couldn t get OSCAR 40 out of my head.(?)

Up on my roof is such an array
As to scare all the neighbor s in everyway.

I knew of the storm coming tonight But could do little to keep my dish upright.

I heard the loud crash that meant a bent pipe And I knew at once I put up the wrong type.

The storm was subsiding with stars showing bright.So I started to slumber dreading my roof sight.

All of a sudden I heard hoofs and a sawzall,
Like a small factory at the Dayton mall.

I went to my attic to see what was done
But I was slow to open the skylight some,

And I saw a red sleigh fly by with satellite gear So I knew at once it must be HamSanta right there.

My mast was replaced as the stainless shined bright And I heard the jolly one shout in the night.

May all your satellites be in view And contacts be 59 and new.To all a healthy and happy New Year With many new birds for the entire world to hear!

Happy Holidays!
Dee, NB2F

Klla: amsat

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