Ham Satellite news

Echo heter nu AO-51

Nu heter AMSAT Echo AMSAT-OSCAR-51, AO-51:

AMSAT-NA President Robin Haighton, VE3FRH has asked me to handle issuance of OSCAR numbers, and has written me requesting an OSCAR number for the Echo satellite. Therefore, in response to his communication, I hereby issue Echo the number AMSAT-OSCAR-51 (AO-51) to this exciting new amateur radio spacecraft. Thus, AO-51 joins a long line of amateur radio satellites beginning with OSCAR-1 launched in December, 1961.

I wish to congratulate everyone involved in the design, construction, testing, preparing for launch, launching and commissioning of this latest Amateur Radio spacecraft.

I trust that amateurs all over the world will have an opportunity to avail themselves of the many features offered by AO-51. May AO-51 have a long and productive life.

Best wishes and 73,
William (Bill) Tynan, W3XO

Klla: ANS


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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