Ham Satellite news

IARU monitoring

New opportunities to reduce QRM to amateur satellites in Region 1

At the recent meeting of the IARU Region 1 VHF Managers held in Vienna, the subject of QRM to satellites operating in the amateur spectrum allocated to satellites was discussed.

As a result of good work performed by Ib, OZ1MY, we were able to demonstrate both by written log and by .WAV file the QRM that is occurring, especially but not exclusively to 145MHz uplinks and when the satellites are over
Africa and the Middle East.

The IARU Region 1 has a Monitoring Service which has been active for some years but which has, up to now,concentrated on frequencies below 30MHz.

In view of the wide area of QRM that can be caused by satellites relaying signals across many borders, the team has now enthusiastically agreed to add
our problems to their portfolio.

What is needed therefore are regular reports showing the following details which can be usefully backed up by .wav files as these can enable more precise recognition of accents and dialects to be made. This information obviously can aid identification.

Sat Name


Real QRG down(allowing for doppler)






Country or language


(These are really column headings but this does not display very well using plain text !)

The team has good contacts which are already used daily to remove some of the intruders to our bands so we should try to see if similar success can be achieved on VHF and UHF.

The system works generally through national societies so you should send your reports to the MS coordinator of your Region 1 National Society in the first instance.

For the time being could you also please send me a copy as well for information.

In response, I will try to provide everyone with a quarterly report on the MS activities as they apply to our branch of amateur radio!

Graham Shirville G3VZV

IARU R1 Satellite Co-ordinator

Klla: amsat

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