Ham Satellite news

Rara DX på AO-40

The July 18-25 Lesotho 7P8 DXpedition sponsor by the Lone Star DX Association and the Texas DX Society has added amateur satellite mode to its planned operations,DXpeditoin Leader Charles Frost, K5LBU/7P8TA has announced.

The operation will be on the AO-40 satellite. The uplink will be U–band (70cm) uplink on U-band 435.550 to 435.800 MHz CW/LSB and S2 (2.4GHz) downlink 2401.225 – 2401.475 MHz CW/USB, Frost said. The AO-40 satellite was launched Nov, 16, 2000 aboard an Ariane 5 rocket from Kourou, French Guiana.

Equipment including antennas and a down converter were donated by Wayne Estes W9AE and a spare down converter donated by Bruce Paige, KK5DO.

Paige, qsl manager for the recent P5/4L4FN operation from North Korea is also providing pre-Dxpedition satellite training in Houston.

Paige is AMSAT VP of User Services & ARRL Awards Manager (WAS, 5BWAS,VUCC).

For additional 7P8 satellite information and news click on

We re glad to offer such a needed mode from Lesotho, Frost said,adding that those wanting to make a contact with the DXpedition take it easy on us because none of us are satellite operators, but we are willing to try our best at giving everyone who wants one a 7P8 QSO.

Klla: amsat

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