Ham Satellite news

Nyheter från ANS-075

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 075.01 From AMSAT HQ
Silver Spring, MD. March 16, 2003
To All Radio Amateurs
BID: $ANS-075.01

AO-40 nominal ALON/ALAT is now 20 / 0. LON/ALAT will be slowly moved to 30/0 in the next week.

Given the worsening squints as we move ALON/ALAT, we have terminated the -Tx sessions until early summer when conditions improve.

Because of the poor squint angles early in the orbit the passband window ow starts at MA =80. It still ends at MA = 230 to allow time for battery harging before perigee eclipse.

The complete schedule is shown in the table below:

The command team also reminds all Users to maintain a clear area 25 kHz above and below the Middle Beacon.

S-band -> K Tx test conducted on Saturday, 15 March 2003, was a success. Report to follow from participants.

Several weeks ago, during the testing of the S1 receiver, It was indicated that the S2 receiver was connected to the 5-turn helix. This is not correct. Both S-band receivers are connected to the dish antenna. Only the S2 transmitter is connected to the 5-turn helix.

[ANS thanks Stacey, W4SM and Colin, VK5HI, for the above information]

Klla: ANS 075


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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