Ham Satellite news

S/K-bandstester, nytt schema

Nyheter frn AMSAT-DL i Tyskland:

We are tentatively scheduling a second test of the S-Rx uplink to K-Tx downlink, tomorrow, 3/14, from MA 192 to 200. During this time, the S2 Tx will be OFF and downlink will be on K-band only, using S1 or S2 Rx uplink. Given the worsening squint, this will likely be the last test of this link until conditions improve in the early summer.
Please report your results to the amsat-bb.

Nyheter frn AMSAT-UK, England:

Because of the poor squint angles early in the orbit the passband window now starts at MA =80.It still ends at MA = 230 to allow time for battery charging before perigee eclipse.

Several weeks ago, during the testing of the S1 receiver, Stacey indicated that the S2 receiver was connected to the 5-turn helix. This is not correct. Both S-band receivers are connected to the dish antenna. Only the S2 transmitter is connected to the 5-turn helix. Sorry for the mix-up.



Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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