Ham Satellite news

Nytt schema, längre passbandstider

Information frn AMSAT-UK och AMSAT-DL:

Schedule updated. The power budget allows an extention of passband time by 10 MA s on each end.

Stacey reports: The AO-40 schedule has been modified to activate the 24 GHz K-band transmitter. From MA 126 to 128 both the S2 and K middle beacons only will be active. From MA 128 to 132 both the S2 & K transmitters will be active on the U/L uplink passbands. The last time the K-Tx was active, it was noted to have suffered a partial power loss suggesting that one of the output transistors may have failed. We will monitor its function to see if this condition has changed. Please report your successes/failures to the amsat-bb. We are holding ALON/ALAT at nominal 0/0, but ALAT has been drifting slightly positive (~1 deg), which will slightly favor northern hemisphere users.



Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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