Ham Satellite news

RS-13 roboten igång igen

Hej! hr kommer lite mer info om RS13
Along with the switch of RS-12 to Mode K and RS-13 to Mode T has come the return of our old friend, the RS-13 Mode T ROBOT. It s there as I write this, calling CQ on 145.908 +/- Doppler, and inviting callers on 21.140.

To make a ROBOT QSO, you must call in the following format: RS13 DE YOURCALL AR. If it hears you perfectly, ROBOT will acknowledge your call and give you a QSO number. But it s got to hear you perfectly, so if at first you don t succeed, etc.


Ray, W2RS

Klla: –


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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