Ham Satellite news

Intruder på 144 MHz

Det finns en satellit som heter MAROC-TUBSAT som snder p FSK 144.1 MHz. Denna satellit r inte
frekvenskoordinerad med IARU, och kan drfr anses som en intruder.

Sven Grahn skriver fljande:

In have added a little article about the recent discovery by radio amateurs around the world that Maroc-Tubsat (launched from Baikonur 10 Dec 2001)
transmits very strong signals in the 144 MHz radio amateur band in what seems to be a violation of agreed frequency allocations. For those who do
not have a radio, there is a RealMedia file to listen to hear the beeps from the satellite.

* Go to my web site
* Click on What s New
* Select entry for 23 January 2002

Best Wishes
Sven Grahn

Klla: Ray, W2RS och Sven Grahn


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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